The Law Of Peace

Idolatry In The Modern Church–Chapter 1 page 1

Prayer is paramount to a personal relationship with Jesus, a pivotal component of faith so that we may grow in it and endure experiences that try the human spirit; making emendations from sin with the freedom given us at the crucifixion. Our human condition, only seemingly in command of our free will is merely an aspect of earthly condemnation. A censure that Satan readily amplifies, to serve as reminder of inequity in order to keep us apart from Christ for fear that we should discover we have already been ransomed in full. Thus prayer should always be honest. Honest about what is in our heart and on our mind. Keeping in being direct and open about your needs and fears, entrusting to Jesus alone your burdens therefore without need for any other intersection on our behalf. Making a distinction between the spiritual things of God and those designed by man. Rule of man, like false doctrines and religions would like for those who are in search of the Lord to continue to exist, and just exist in an endless cycle of penance. Weighing the soul with the burden of our sins, created to form a void and a need, that when left unfilled by the grace of God puts the individual in said situation not only delicate but susceptible, without experiencing the gift of God’s mercy. Left with much to be required but without any true forgiveness, repentance and salvation. Jesus did not come into this world to condemn, but to set free the captive of the deceptions of this world, which is sin.

Taking into account the great corruption of the church of God when observing the biblical time line following the crucifixion and and the relentless prosecution of the apostles and the early Christian church. The pagan symbolism and practices which have distorted or concealed the truth as the bible describes and identifies them to be is leading many who believe themselves to be Christians astray. Much of the concentration in this area is of course the doctrine of the Vatican to its Catholic Churches, but includes all belief systems outside of true Christianity and Judaism. That is to be said with exceptions also in regards to the different sects of Judaism.

The far eastern religious system of India has given presidence to the creation and use of prayer beads or as loosely termed and known by the Catholic congregational body as a rosary and are often referred to as japamala in Hinduism. The words japamala simply means garland and is directly associated with meditation. Seemingly benign, the type of prayer associated with this method of meditation includes and penetrates both mind and spirit. However it is without conscious thought or direct supplication. The technique of this mind and supposed spirit altering practice or exercise is centered around the ability to achieve peace and higher understanding or enlightenment by connecting with the power of the universe but obtaining it by looking inward towards oneself. As opposed to the Judeo-Christian belief that one must look to God for understanding as directed in the bible.

It is claimed that in doing so a spiritual awakening is accomplished by becoming apart of the universe, that while “the universe” despite revealing no true definition of identity or purpose, one can find their own self awareness by not only interacting but becoming one with it. What people in western cultures fail to understand amidst their quest for clarity is the complicated particularization of the practice. We neglect to recognize in the modern and disconnected culture of the world, that which is pagan, or humanistic is not as innocent as depicted or accepted by many who have a superficial supposition of either the method or the religious connotation. God in his word warns against the worship of idols and in the context of this belief, encounter the epitome of the worship of the sun and planets, or stars. Many who are practicing Hindus and Buddhist would strongly disagree with the perspective in which I am addressing their belief. In truth, that would be quite the average human response. In discussing this subject matter the hope is that it would not only serve in revealing the idolatrous way these ritualistic practices have influenced many Christians who are blindly keeping alive the spirit of Gilgamesh, but also extend hope to witness to those involved with these deceptive practices to seek the Lord.

There is a great importance to reach the distinction of the contrast between supplication and devotional prayer that God himself requires and the practices of the pagan world. Not only in that the lack of the aspect of prayer, but of the intimate relationship between mankind and creator. For the pagan that reliance is in ones own understanding and clarity given to the individual by the “universe”. What could all this possibly denote? The answer while complex in its intricate detailing, is simplified in understanding what the biblical narrative says and explains in regards to ancient use and belief of the cosmos. While the celestial bodies were created by God himself to identify the seasons and the practicality of navigation and such, the biblical writ also describes the dark practices associated with them.

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